This is some highlights of things I've read that are worth taking a look into. Grab some coffee and enjoy!
I was preparing a mobility talk for some cancer survivors when I came across these gems. First, 65% of Cancer Survivors Don't Meet National Exercise Recommendations. This is a big deal. 2.5 hours of light activity and 1.5 hours of vigorous activity in a week make up the recommendations. Those that meet this requirement have a 30-40% greater survival rate. Huge.
This paper talks about the potential mechanism of the increase in survival. There is a hormone called Isirin that is produced after vigorous exercise. Discovered in 2012, it has highly anti cancer properties and keeps the cancer from spreading. They think it's potential mechanism is by anti inflammation. Exercise Hormone May Offer Cancer Protection.
Thousands of calf strains later, perhaps barefoot isn't exactly the way to go when you have worn shoes your whole life and you run on sidewalks. This paper explores that not all barefoot populations run on their forefoot. Speed, surface and individual variability play a roll. Variation in Foot Strike Patterns in Barefoot Populations.
I had a pretty cool patient interaction that is using high dose Melatonin for its anti inflammation capabilities concerning the CNS. Very cool paper. Anti-inflammatory Activity of Melatonin in the Central Nervous System.
This is an excellent article that has tremendous value on loading and using your tendons for health and healing. Gone are the days of just taking NSAIDS. Throw Away Antiinflammatories and Start Loading Your Damaged Tendons.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Sunday, February 22, 2015
2014 Games Documentary
Thought this was a pretty enjoyable documentary. The steroid riff about 15 min in was laughable, but one well. Still kinda cool.
2014 Games Documentary
Thought this was a pretty enjoyable documentary. The steroid riff about 15 min in was laughable, but one well. Still kinda cool.
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Why You Should Be Angry About Your Food/Food Advice
This past week there have been several articles written about health and food. But, more importantly, they exposed a problem, dishonesty. First, with the attention grabber headline, "We Now Know How Many People Will Get Cancer From Soda."
Normally, these kind of headlines I find annoying. Fear based stuff, irks me. But, this one was different. There is an ingredient called 4-Mel, that is for a Carmel color, that when present in large enough doses is a cancer carcinogen. Pepsi products appear to be the worse. It stays "under" dangerous levels when you only drink one can. Drink more, your playing with fire.
It doesn't change the flavor. I'm sure people don't know that their cancer risk increases. Soda just keeps getting worse and worse for you. This is the PLOS ONE article: Caramel Color in Soft drinks and Exposure to 4-Mel: Risk Assessment.
This article in NY Time, "The Governments Bad Dietary Advice," sums up what many people have known for awhile, their advice is garbage, and at times dangerous. They have officially changed position about the evils of fat. They have relaxed their cholesterol guidelines. My question is this, how many people have got put on a Statin drug because their Cholesterol numbers were dangerous?
Many of my patients that get put on a Statin have decreased energy and many complain of joint pain. What happens when you have decreased energy and a joint hurts? You move less. What happens when you move less? You are less healthy!
The only thing I didn't like about the article is that it goes on an anti-carb direction towards the end. Don't be afraid of carbs. I'm just a little angry at all the fear put out their in diets and food advice and all the junk that is out there needlessly in our foods.
First move well, then move often. Eat whole foods, drink water, tea and coffee. Don't be afraid of any macro nutrient. Eat as many colors as you can, everyday.
Normally, these kind of headlines I find annoying. Fear based stuff, irks me. But, this one was different. There is an ingredient called 4-Mel, that is for a Carmel color, that when present in large enough doses is a cancer carcinogen. Pepsi products appear to be the worse. It stays "under" dangerous levels when you only drink one can. Drink more, your playing with fire.
It doesn't change the flavor. I'm sure people don't know that their cancer risk increases. Soda just keeps getting worse and worse for you. This is the PLOS ONE article: Caramel Color in Soft drinks and Exposure to 4-Mel: Risk Assessment.
This article in NY Time, "The Governments Bad Dietary Advice," sums up what many people have known for awhile, their advice is garbage, and at times dangerous. They have officially changed position about the evils of fat. They have relaxed their cholesterol guidelines. My question is this, how many people have got put on a Statin drug because their Cholesterol numbers were dangerous?
Many of my patients that get put on a Statin have decreased energy and many complain of joint pain. What happens when you have decreased energy and a joint hurts? You move less. What happens when you move less? You are less healthy!
The only thing I didn't like about the article is that it goes on an anti-carb direction towards the end. Don't be afraid of carbs. I'm just a little angry at all the fear put out their in diets and food advice and all the junk that is out there needlessly in our foods.
First move well, then move often. Eat whole foods, drink water, tea and coffee. Don't be afraid of any macro nutrient. Eat as many colors as you can, everyday.
Friday, February 20, 2015
Time and Attitude
Just a quick thought on this photo I found. I've noticed a weakness about myself where I get frustrated when I have to give up my "freetime" to take care of life chores.
Going to try to just be grateful for the time I get doing things I love, where ever and whenever they appear.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Good Stuff for the Midweek
This video just makes me want to keep learning. I must have listened to this 5x.
This is an awesome paper on the importance of the intrinsic foot muscles. Getting a nice comparison to how our intrinsic back muscles work with lumbopelvic control. The Foot Core System.
One more reason to be doing kettlebell swings. They help to improve the stability of the lower back.
The top portion of the kettlebell swing is a standing plank. Remember that. Optimizing Back Health with KB Swings.
"Don't put moral judgements on any exercise." Dan John.
This is an awesome paper on the importance of the intrinsic foot muscles. Getting a nice comparison to how our intrinsic back muscles work with lumbopelvic control. The Foot Core System.
One more reason to be doing kettlebell swings. They help to improve the stability of the lower back.
The top portion of the kettlebell swing is a standing plank. Remember that. Optimizing Back Health with KB Swings.
"Don't put moral judgements on any exercise." Dan John.
Monday, February 16, 2015
How to Get Worse Results in Racing
I've been around a few athletes that get afforded the opportunity to cut back on life stress either by working less or a new position that gives a lot more freedom in terms of time. To a tee, most end up producing less then the results they did when they were working full time.
The thinking goes that if I work less I can train more and get better results. They look at some sponsored athletes that don't have to do the 9-5/5days a week and think they can produce similar results if they get rid of the 40 hour work week.
It usually doesn't happen.
Here is the thing. You find the time to train. You get done what needs to get done. This then is the trap with more time on your hands. You train more. More doesn't equal better. You are adding to your training stress.
Pro's recover. Amateurs train "harder."
I first noticed this when I'd go and live at an Olympic Training center in my days with bobsled. You would literally be so bored that you would wander to the weight room and start lifting. Instead of combining your lift with your sprint session in an hour 45 min, you would create 2 training sessions just to brake up the monotony of the day.
Some people can't handle the "free time." They feel the need to be doing more. When they don't, they feel the stress of inactivity. They don't really understand or appreciate recovery. They give it word of mouth, but if pressed, deep down they don't believe in it.
So they fit more training sessions in.
Instead, they should be getting 9-10 hours of sleep per night. They should be getting 30-90 minute nap in every day. They should be food prepping so every meal is nutritionally sound. They should be doing mobility and recovery work.
This is done so that those workouts they were already doing are carried out to the maximal. They create optimization. This is how you get better results.
The thinking goes that if I work less I can train more and get better results. They look at some sponsored athletes that don't have to do the 9-5/5days a week and think they can produce similar results if they get rid of the 40 hour work week.
It usually doesn't happen.
Here is the thing. You find the time to train. You get done what needs to get done. This then is the trap with more time on your hands. You train more. More doesn't equal better. You are adding to your training stress.
Pro's recover. Amateurs train "harder."
I first noticed this when I'd go and live at an Olympic Training center in my days with bobsled. You would literally be so bored that you would wander to the weight room and start lifting. Instead of combining your lift with your sprint session in an hour 45 min, you would create 2 training sessions just to brake up the monotony of the day.
Some people can't handle the "free time." They feel the need to be doing more. When they don't, they feel the stress of inactivity. They don't really understand or appreciate recovery. They give it word of mouth, but if pressed, deep down they don't believe in it.
So they fit more training sessions in.
Instead, they should be getting 9-10 hours of sleep per night. They should be getting 30-90 minute nap in every day. They should be food prepping so every meal is nutritionally sound. They should be doing mobility and recovery work.
This is done so that those workouts they were already doing are carried out to the maximal. They create optimization. This is how you get better results.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Quality Podcast for the Weekend: Tom Furman Interview
I always enjoy the information that Tom Furman puts out. I really enjoyed his new book "Bamboo Gods."
Here he was interviewed for the Rob Wolf Podcast. I like the common sense wisdom, creativity and entertainment he brings. Enjoy!
Rob Wolf with Tom Furman.
Here he was interviewed for the Rob Wolf Podcast. I like the common sense wisdom, creativity and entertainment he brings. Enjoy!
Rob Wolf with Tom Furman.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Bruce Ames on Triage Theory, Longevity Vitamins
I always enjoy and learn when Dr. Patrick puts out information.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Attitude and Emotion
"I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them."
Oscar Wilde.
I like routines. I think they make me productive. I think they give me freedom. Rules bring freedom. When you know what you can't do, you know what you can do. Knowing what you can do allows creativity, fun, enjoyment and variety.
My problem I've realized is that I keep trying to ignore new rules. This leaves me frustrated and angry. Both I believe lead to self pity.
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.
D.H. Lawrence
That leaves you weak and stagnant. Loathing the new rules. I'm a slow adapter to life change. I know this about myself. I spend to much time bemoaning my newest "time stealer" instead of adapting to the new routine. With my mindset in self pity, I'm also losing all the freedom that can come from playing with the new rules.
The last of humans freedoms -to Choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstance, to choose one's own way.
Viktor E. Frankl
An awesome therapist in Canada named Jeff Cubos put up a quote by Viktor E Frankl last week and it reminded me of his great book "Mans Search for Meaning." This book I think should be read every couple years for the simple reminder about choosing your attitude. If there ever was a man to be angry about circumstance and right fully so, he is on the list. A Holocaust survivor. That should explain most everything about what he had to endure.
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
Viktor E. Frankl
I'm not sure if I will ever be great at the whole concept of the quotes I posted. That's probably not the point though, it is to be better today then yesterday. To dominate emotion, choose my attitude and play within the rules.
Oscar Wilde.
I like routines. I think they make me productive. I think they give me freedom. Rules bring freedom. When you know what you can't do, you know what you can do. Knowing what you can do allows creativity, fun, enjoyment and variety.
My problem I've realized is that I keep trying to ignore new rules. This leaves me frustrated and angry. Both I believe lead to self pity.
"I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.
D.H. Lawrence
That leaves you weak and stagnant. Loathing the new rules. I'm a slow adapter to life change. I know this about myself. I spend to much time bemoaning my newest "time stealer" instead of adapting to the new routine. With my mindset in self pity, I'm also losing all the freedom that can come from playing with the new rules.
The last of humans freedoms -to Choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstance, to choose one's own way.
Viktor E. Frankl
An awesome therapist in Canada named Jeff Cubos put up a quote by Viktor E Frankl last week and it reminded me of his great book "Mans Search for Meaning." This book I think should be read every couple years for the simple reminder about choosing your attitude. If there ever was a man to be angry about circumstance and right fully so, he is on the list. A Holocaust survivor. That should explain most everything about what he had to endure.
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
Viktor E. Frankl
I'm not sure if I will ever be great at the whole concept of the quotes I posted. That's probably not the point though, it is to be better today then yesterday. To dominate emotion, choose my attitude and play within the rules.
Monday, February 9, 2015
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Some Random Awesomeness
This is a cool podcast interview. Chris Duffin seems like the real deal. Enjoyed this.
The Mad Scientist of Power lifting. This was brought to you by Super Strength Show.
We need to invest in our kids ability to play and have genuine recess again. Great article.
How Schools Ruined Recess.
The more I learn about Finland, the more I want to visit. Sisu is a theme I've explored before. Say what you mean, don't fake small talk, enjoy your coffee. 5 Bad American Habits.
Greg Nuckols wrote more about women athletes and the menstrual cycle. The Menstrual Cycle and Athletes.
The Mad Scientist of Power lifting. This was brought to you by Super Strength Show.
We need to invest in our kids ability to play and have genuine recess again. Great article.
How Schools Ruined Recess.
The more I learn about Finland, the more I want to visit. Sisu is a theme I've explored before. Say what you mean, don't fake small talk, enjoy your coffee. 5 Bad American Habits.
Greg Nuckols wrote more about women athletes and the menstrual cycle. The Menstrual Cycle and Athletes.
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