The adductor magnus is the beefiest of the five adductor muscles. (add. brevis, add. longus, pectineus, gracillis) It has insertions on the adductor tubercle, linea aspera of the femur and origins on the ischeal tuberosity and the ischiopubic ramus. It has two innervation's, posterior obturator nerve and tibial nerve. It adducts, flex's and extends the hip. How can it both flex and extend? Well the adductor is actually two portions, hence the dual innervation's. The posterior part is actually referred to as the fourth hamstring, and it's embryological origins are with the hamstring, hence the tibial innervation.
The adductor magnus though, is often overworked. It has a misconception that it can get tight, but in reality it is often just really really tired from other imbalances going on in the body. First, the sciatic nerve can become entrapped at the external rotatores of the hip. Second, the posterior capsule of your hip can be very tight. Third, the adductor magnus and the medial hamstring can become "glued" together with adhesion's. Fourth, your iliolumbar ligament can be sending refered pain to the adductor magnus.
So instead of just stretching and stretching away, check these four possible sights for a more likely culprit.
nice post and please provide more information.thanks for sharing
abductor and adductors
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