Wow, this was a real kicker. Part of me isn't surprised and part of me was like, are you kidding me! Consumer Reports just put out an article where it looked into the protein powders of a few protein supplements looking for harmful heavy metals. Alls I can say is wow. Heres the article for yourself. CONSUMER REPORT. Thanks to Nick Tumminello for the helpful article.
To think I've been slugging down these shakes since I was 15, sometimes 3-4 a day! I guess you really have to go local organic foods, if you truly don't want any surprises. I know I will not be ingesting these powders anymore. One customer lost.
I think its an important light shed on the supplement industry... I think its also a very calculated one to bring them under regulation...
I dont think the metals are that big a deal though... eat tuna? drink milk? how about spinach? they can be all sources of heavy metals.
The good news about this is that hopefully they'll tighten up the ship when it comes to protein and supplement powders...
I think regulation for something like whey would be great. Agreed on the abundance of the metals...but I have cut down on tuna and I never ingested 3 tunas a day for years...lol. ..thanks for that link...I will post it for everyone. It will be interesting to see the ramifications in a year.
Very interesting topic; some sites that provide useful information that I've used are
to help educate users/potential users of these supplements. Consumer Lab charges for information, but I find it highly informative and helps in decision making. And, over the course of a year the cost is relatively low.
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