Recently I've had a few patients undergo a surgery called HyProCure. It essentially inserts a pin in the talus that limits pronation. I had never heard of this surgery before so I did a little research.

The HyProCure essentially works by an implant that fits into the talus/calcaneal space to prevent the abnormal motion(excessive pronation), but maintain the normal motion between these bones.
This is what the website states.
Minimally invasive/one small incision.
No casting required
Never has to be removed
Back in regular shoes in a week
Back to full athletic activity after healing
No need for physical therapy
I've had two patients undergo the procedure here in Grand Rapids. They had both ankles done. After the first ankle, there was a 3 week wait, then the other ankles was implanted.
They both have recovered nicely, and seem to be walking better. It's still hard to say about long term outcomes and results. I do know that they both have less pain in their feet and have recovered nicely.
Time will tell. Hopefully, this will give you some more info when you hear of this surgery as I believe it will become more and more popular. Here is their website.
I actually just has this implant done on December 2nd, 2011. It was on my right ankle witht he intentions to reduce sinus tarsi pain. I ended up getting a bad infection which was caught late and only recently (Week 1-2 Feb) have been able to bear any weight on it. My Achilles tendon in particular is extremely tight and may need to be lengthend. Post STA implant, I need to learn how to walk all over again. I am doing vigorous psyio therapy to help with the recovery. Note: due to alignment correction, my right leg is slightly longer and my hips are being affected as well. Good luck to anyone else who's going through this also!
In addition to the above comment (Feb 15, 2012), I am also managing limited flexibility in my root foot in addition to "new found" pain in the calcaneous. My foot doesn't seem to be impacting the ground at the same angle/pitch it used to, which is quite discomforting. I am a 26 y.o male who has been suffering from severe sinus tarsi pain since the age of 12. Orthotics, psyio, cortisone injections did not relieve the pain. I was never tested properly for any nerve impingement syndroms which has always been a suspicion of mine. With the effects this implant has had on me, I am very happy I decided to not do both feet at the same time. My left foot will have to wait (pain is 75%less bad in LF) for any types of treatment until I'm positive the implant doesn't need to be removed. Positive thoughts and hopes that these post-op issues will significanly be reduced in the next 4-6 months.
New Update for anyone reading. Same guy as above. As of today, my surgeon said I'll have to have the arthroeisis removed. Psyio has not helped. I told the Surgeon I feel 100% worse than before I had the surgery. 4 Months post op, I still feel the plug in there, and when rotating my foot, it feels like there is a screwdriver being jabbed into my sinus tarsi, not a good feeling. The "new" alignment (bi-lateral) is extremely painful and my body just isn't adjusting. Surgery scheduled for July 2, 2012 to have the plug removed. Fingers crossed it's simple and I can at least go back to the pain I was suffering from pre-op.
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