Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas and Unwrap the Chain Workout

Merry Christmas!

Hope the Holidays have treated you well and you find some time to spend with friends and family.  Commitments, parties, vacation, relatives and friends often get in the way of the routine scheduled workout and training session.  As I get older, the more I realize this is probably a good thing.  Priorities change.  But, that doesn't mean you don't do anything.

This is where the Chain Workout comes into play.  A chain workout is simply a short dedicated piece of time, as short as ten minutes, where you do anything.  ANYTHING.  It can be foam rolling with some push ups.  It can be a dynamic warm up.  Kettlebell swings and Turkish get ups.  Air squats at the kitchen counter superset with alternating plank push ups from the same kitchen counter.  They can be brutally hard 10 minutes, or they can be 10 minutes where you don't even sweat.

The point is that mentally you have decided to do something...and then you do it.  You keep the chain of active momentum rolling.  So one day of not doing something doesn't become two, two doesn't become a week.  You can look back on yesterday and know you did something.  You kept your chain of fitness going.  You strengthened your habit of health.

The Spanish Proverb states, "Habits are at first cobwebs, then cables."

Keep your Chain going as you finish off 2012.

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