Friday, January 3, 2014

Water, Fascia Health and Concussions.

Reading through Fascia by Dr. Mark Lindsay and one of the key topics is hydration.  I don't think anyone would deny we should drink water and most of us don't drink enough, myself included.  It was a goal way back in 2010 or 11 to drink more water.  I think I did fairly well, but recently, had started to slack, especially with my increased espresso intake.  1/2 your body weight in ounces per day, is again back into my conscious mind.

Back to what Dr. Lindsay has to say.  It's the bodies transportation system for the good stuff and for getting rid of the bad stuff.  Detox anyone?

Dehydration of collagen has been shown to have an acute inflammatory response after 10 days.  So all those people/patients dealing with inflammation may just in reality be dehydrated. 

It's a lubricant.  "It helps to defend the body against shock. The brain, eyes and spinal cord are among the body's sensitive structures that depend on a protective water layer."  My own thoughts are with the increased attention towards concussion, does dehydration play a roll in getting a concussion?  So I Googled it.  Here is what I found.

This Article.  It dealt with healthy males that were tested in a hydrated and dehydrated group.  The dehydrated group reported more fatigue and worse with visual memory.  No difference in neuropsychological scores or postural stability.  But, these were all health men. 

This Article.  Dealt with college wrestlers and pretty much stated that those with a 1-3% decrease in hydration reported more fatigue, headaches, trouble concentrating and other concussion type symptoms, but overall the results warranted more research.

This Article.  Talked about the problem of combat athletes that usually don't eat or drink for 24 hours to make weight.  The body can't adjust to the rehydration in time and often have diminished reflexes and strength and mental acuity.

Through this worm hole of information I found a pretty cool blog.  The  Lots of info on concussions.

So then my next question becomes does hyper hydration through like an IV decrease the risk of a concussion?  So I Googled it and this is what I found.

32 NFL teams reported that they used IV's pregame to hydrate.  5-7 players was the average.  No reported weather there were decreased injuries.  The problem is that this is an illegal practice under WADA.  So an Olympian would be banned if this was done.  Also they report that no evidence that this helps.  I could not find any studies that disprove it or how they came up with this statement or with any other information regarding this subject.

It would be interesting to find out if this is something that would help.  If the body uses water as a shock absorber I can't help but think that hydration should be part of the preventative culture we have with concussions.

Either way, water may be the easiest way to gain a foothold into an inflammatory patient, increase performance and by my own opinion,  decrease concussion risk.

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