Monday, July 14, 2014

Clare Frank On The Janda Approach

This is a small review of the first video offered by Movement Link.  This video has Dr. Clare Frank talking about her work with Professor Janda.  The Janda approach is pretty famous in the manual therapy world as he was one of the first clinicians to look at a movement pattern, not just a muscle.

This 1 hour and 20 min lecture talks about the basis for some of the thinking behind an approach the Janda influenced.  I first heard Clare speak at my first BSMG a few years ago.  She has a large knowledge base in Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization.  You can't beat 15 bucks to hear a leader in the field talk.  Internet learning continues to impress me.

One of the first concepts that Janda started was realizing muscles may test strong on their own, but have inefficient or weakness in a pattern.  He showed this with EMG.  So he started to test patterns of movement.

There are two schools of manual medicine.  You are a Structure dictates function, or a function dictates structure.   He viewed it as complex intermingling of the two.

Muscular system is an indicator of the Central Nervous System.  CNS.

Role of The CNS.
1.  Posture
2.  Joint Stability
3.  Balance
4.  Movement

Muscles can both cause and reflect altered function.
3 key areas.  Cervical spine, SIJ, Sole of the foot.  All have more proprioceptors.

Groups of muscles are governed differently.  He came up with the Tonic/Phasic groupings and the upper and lower crossed syndrome.  Tonic are prone to tightness, phasic are prone to weakness.

There are several examples given throughout the lecture and there was a lab of hands on work that was mentioned but isn't shown.  Perhaps in the future videos.  All in all, if you are not familiar with Janda's work it is definitely worth watching.  If you are, this won't be ground breaking info, but will be a nice little summary of his work.

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