The blog life has been seriously lacking in the last few months. Lots of excuses about time, interest level and content. I've always enjoyed writing though, so my goal is to get consistent with this electronic journal again.
I've realized a few road blocks. First and foremost, it started to feel like I didn't have much left to communicate that was "new." Why rehash old ideas? This was a subtle nod to perfectionism. This is bad. Nothing gets done. Not every post will get shared 10,000 times, but if it helps one person, then it was worth it. Even if that one person is me.
Remember your principles for writing. When I write, I know what I'm thinking. Writing makes me a a better communicator. How do I explain this concept I think is important. Another valid reason for writing again. You may here something hundreds of times, someone says it with a little twist and it suddenly makes sense.
It feels good to create. Even writing this little bit, makes me feel productive.
What I have been up to since it wasn't this blog? Reading, lots of reading. Here's a quick run down.
Endure by Alex Hutchinson. Really enjoyable read. Did I learn anything new. Not really. But, it rehashed some old thoughts and that is a big win. It got me really diving deep into aerobic physiology. Any book that spurs further reading/learning/thinking is a winner. Fatigue debate runs on, is it body and physiology or brain. Most likely a combo. Rate of Perceived Exertion is a big deal.
Skin in The Game by Nassim Taleb. To be honest, I don't know If I'm smart enough to read his stuff one time and take away all his ideas. Big idea, be careful of taking advice about anything where being wrong, the downside, no negative is felt. Be invested with others that are invested.
12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. This may be my favorite book Ive read in a few years. In fact, I loaned it to a friend. I plan on reading this again in the fall. I really believe the concepts in the book are timeless. It is somewhat like a modern Ben Franklins 13 Virtues.
End of Average by Tom Rose. This was recommended by a friend. Surprisingly good, and not what you think. It's not a self help book, more of a history of how "average" came to be almost bad. For example, if I described you as average looks and average intelligence, you may be offended. Learning to quantify numbers into data, seems boring, but the examples are funny and their is some big take home points if your a parent or coach. I will always remember, their are no below or above average learners. We all learn at different paces. Your child or you may need extra time to learn math, but need less time to learn grammar. The problem is in schools you have 45 min. It's set. The history of the public schools are very interesting as well. Basically, just designed to put out non thinking, obedient worker bees. Great for factory floor workers, not so great for modern day job and life.
Salt Fix by James Nicolantonio. Seems to make a solid case for getting more salt into your diet. I came by this by wondering why when I was sick I always craved high sugary/carb type foods. Why if my body is smart would it crave something that was obviously not great for your immune system. Sugar does impede your immune system a bit. It didn't make sense. Enter the need for salt. How the salt craving can be mistaken for the other white craving, sugar. Lot of wisdom in your grandmas advice to have some chicken noodle soup and you will feel better!
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. I'm only half way through this, but it is pretty mind blowing what we know about sleep now. Get your sleep. It literally helps every single human trait. Every sickness, disease is less. You live longer, get stronger, stay healthier when you have consistent 7 plus hours of sleep. After reading this, it will really challenge you if you work so much that you can only get 6 or fewer hours of sleep. Trading life and the life you will have, health for work/money. Because it comes down to the simple fact that yes, you are. Pretty easy to shut the TV off and get an extra 30 min or hour. Joe Rogan did a top notch podcast with him. Most of the information in the book can be found in the podcast (So far at least, but I'm only half way).
Greaat reading your blog post