Friday, January 8, 2021

The Value of Water

It is funny how questions can stir memories.  My daughter saw a picture of a lady carrying water on her head the other day.  She asked what she was doing.  I explained she had to walk several miles to get water for her day, perhaps she had to do this several times, every day.  The look of incomprehension, like I had just told her some people have wings.  Explaining the situation further, there was still disbelief.  Water is everywhere and its free.  

My first memory of water was drinking from the water hose during the summer after running around in the woods.  After just a few seconds, it would become the coldest water I have ever tasted.  Colder in my memory then even the fresh Icelandic water I drank from the rivers doing the bike race The RIFT.  

Every morning, I get up and put my glass on the fridge and filtered cold water spurts out.  It can give you ice as well.  We all probably have some sore of childhood "success"  ideas.  Something that represents success to you back then, that almost seems silly now.  "Riches"  This style fridge was another memory that the water brought back.  As a kid, I must have seen it and thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen.  I didn't own one or live in a place with one till the house I live in now.   But I can remember thinking this represented making 

Growing up with the ice cube trays and thinking about rationing the ice during the summer.  Later in life, filtering water in a water pitcher.  Now, it is simply there with the push of a button, endless supply.  In a way, the ease of use and supply has created a devaluing of this precious item.  

I think I have sometimes subconsciously packed less water on some longer bike rides on purpose.  To feel the thirst.  To have the thoughts of rationing the water.  To feel the dry mouth and desire for that next ice cold water.  The ordinary becoming extraordinary again.  

Most of us, will never need to worry about water.  If you are reading this, probably 100% true.  The thing is, we are still discovering things about water.  Ever hear of the fourth phase of water?  Gerald Pollocks work on this is fascinating.  E-Z water is its name, exclusion zone. 

Reading the book "Ghost Map" it was the first time science was used to solve the mystery of cholera.  Most sickness was thought to be from "miasma" or bad air.  Why well off/rich people chose to live on hills and why poor people lived in the lower ground.  An earlier book I read "The Mosquito"  talked about bad air and malaria being discovered through mosquitos.  Ghost map, shows the evolution of thought of bad air, to the confirmation of the cholera bacterium carried in contaminated water.  

This defining moment in the late 1800's showed the importance of clean water for health.  Clean water eliminates so much sickness and disease.  We are going on close to 150 years of realizing clean water is a keystone for health.  Yet, clean water is still lacking in many places.  It is estimated a few thousand young kids die every day from it's lack.  The numbers are so large, they lack impact anymore.  3.5 million a year.  2.2 million are kids.  Every year...every year....every year.  

Every morning now I say a small thank you when I push that glass into my fridge and get that clean filtered water.  It is one of the healthiest things we can do for our bodies.  Win the low hanging fruit battles for your health.   Don't let the easy get devalued.  


One of the organizations I started supporting was Charity:water.  100% of funds goes to actual clean water projects.  Organizational fees/salaries are funded by donors.  This means the dollars you give go towards actual people without clean water.  

Worth while video watch of the Charity/Water.  The Spring:  Charity water story. 

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