Emily Splichal put out a very nice webinar about the foot function and fascia as it deals with the first ray.
Here is the link off Facebook. I think it will take a few days to put into the EBFT archive folder.
Foot Funciton and Fascial Lines. Part 1 Foot Function and Fascial Lines. Part 2.
Most fascial lines cross the bottom of the foot.
Deep Front Line: (main ones) Tib posterior, adductors, pelvic floor and psoas. This is how the foot interacts with the core.
Post Tib. Attaches to a lot of stuff! Navicular, 9 other osseous structures. All the metatarsals but the first ray. All the tarsal bones but the talus. Peroneus longus tendon and flexor hallucis brevis muscle.
Spiral Line: Rhomboid and Serratus, oblique muscles, tibialis anterior and peroneus longus.
Ant. Tib: 90% of on medial cuneiform, 10% on base of first metatarsal.
Peroneus Longus: 10% on medial cuneiform, 90% on base of the first metatarsal.
This is significant for 1st ray biomechanics.
Intrinsic muscles adductor hallucis and abductor hallucis control transverse plane stability.
1st MPJ Dorsiflexion:
Flexor Hallucis Longus (Deep Front Line) : Holds the distal hallux to the ground.
Flexor Hallucis Brevis (Indirect Deep): Pulls sesamoids proximally.
Abductor Hallucis: Maintains 1st MPJ in transverse plane.
Plantar fascia (Superficial Back Line) Stabilizes 1st MPJ.
Peroneus Longus (Spiral Line) Maintains 1st ray MPJ in sagital plane.
Is the spiral line balance: Tib Anterior vs Peroneus Longus tension and strength.
How to enhance?
Stability > Mobility
Intrinsics > Extrinsics
Deep Line>Spiral Line
Practice the short foot. (tons of info out there if you don't know what short foot is )
If you have great ROM laying down in the big toe, but when you put weight on the foot and it all goes away, check the peroneus longus.
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